The beloved internet sensation, Kabosu, known for her iconic role in the “doge” meme, has passed away at the age of 18, following a long battle with leukaemia and liver disease.
Kabosu, a Japanese shiba inu, captured the hearts of millions worldwide with her endearing presence, enjoying over a decade of fame on the web.
Atsuko Sato, Kabosu’s devoted owner, shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram, expressing gratitude to all who cherished Kabosu over the years.
Ms. Sato fondly remembered Kabosu’s peaceful departure, describing her passing as serene, akin to drifting into slumber under the warmth of gentle caresses.
Adopted by Ms. Sato from an animal shelter in 2008, Kabosu’s journey from rescue to internet stardom touched the lives of many. A teacher in Japan, Ms. Sato’s loving care provided Kabosu with a joyful life filled with love and companionship.
Kabosu’s rise to fame began in 2010 when a photo capturing her crossed paws and subtle smirk circulated on platforms like Reddit and Tumblr.
Referred to as “Doge” by a Reddit user, the image’s charm and humor quickly propelled Kabosu into the realms of internet legend, spawning countless memes and cultural references.
As the world mourns the loss of this beloved canine icon, Ms. Sato extends heartfelt appreciation to the global community for their outpouring of love and support.
Kabosu’s legacy as the happiest dog in the world lives on, bringing joy to all who had the pleasure of knowing her, and gratitude fills the heart of her devoted owner for the love showered upon them both.